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To configure RDO Compendium, a selection of different settings is available. This quick guide provides an in-depth look at all the different settings, what they do, and what they can be set to.

Settings are divided into multiple categories in this guide. Settings are saved on a per-Discord basis, so if you add RDO Compendium to multiple servers, you will need to configure it on all the different servers you administrate.


/settings fixFixes up settings and ensures everything works as intended
/settings listDisplays all the settings for this server
/settings resetResets a setting to its default value
/settings set booleanUpdates a boolean setting to a new value
/settings set colorUpdates a color setting to a new value
/settings set eventsUpdates the events setting to a new value
/settings set languageUpdates the language setting to a new value
/settings set pingsUpdates a ping setting to a new value
/settings set roleUpdates a role setting to a new value



Boolean settings are Yes/No settings, otherwise known as toggles. They can be set to either True (Yes) or False (No).

Colorize Toast IconsWhether to colorize the icons of toasts.
Delete Old MessagesWhether to delete old messages when a new one is sent.
Delivery Private ThreadsWhether to create Private Threads instead of Public Threads for Trader deliveries.
Posse Private ThreadsWhether to create Private Threads instead of Public Threads for lobbies.
Prefer ImagesWhether to post images by default instead of text.
Show CommunitiesWhether to show links to communities in /links.
Show Feedback ButtonsWhether to show feedback buttons in certain situations.
Show News Bot NotificationsWhether to show news notifications. Requires the Bot Notifications ping setting to be configured.
Show ProvidersWhether to show the "Provided by" text in embeds.
Show Reboot Bot NotificationsWhether to show reboot notifications. Requires the Bot Notifications ping setting to be configured.
Show Update Bot NotificationsWhether to show update notifications. Requires the Bot Notifications ping setting to be configured.


Color settings control some visual aspects of RDO Compendium, such as the color of embeds. They can be set to various formats of colors. The following color formats are supported:

  • CSS color keywords, for example red.
  • HEX format, for example #CC0000.
  • HSL format, for example hsl(0, 100%, 40%).
  • HWB format, for example hwb(0, 0%, 20%).
  • RGB format, for example rgb(204, 0, 0).
Did you know?

You can find a full list of Red Dead Online colors on the colors page!

You can search the web for "Color Picker" to find tools that allow you to pick colors. In addition, most common imaging programs also allow you to pick and choose colors.

Embed ColorChange the color of embeds for RDO Compendium, which are displayed to the left of sent embeds.
Toast ColorChange the color of toast titles and/or icons for RDO Compendium, depending on the Colorize Toast Icons boolean setting.


To learn more about using and configuring Free Roam Event pings, please visit the events guide.


To learn more about using and configuring languages, please visit the languages guide.


Ping settings allow you to configure RDO Compendium to automatically post messages to various channels in your Discord servers.

BenefitsPing when the in-game Benefits screen updates.
Bot NotificationsPing when the developers of RDO Compendium post a new notification.
Collector CyclesPing when the Collector item cycles change.
Daily ChallengesPing when the Daily Challenges update.
Free Roam Events SchedulePing when the Free Roam Event schedule is updated.
Live EventsPing when the Live Events have changed.
Madam NazarPing when Madam Nazar moves to a new location.
Newswire ArticlesPing when a new Newswire article is posted.
Patch NotesPing when new patch notes are available.
Rockstar Service StatusPing when the Rockstar Service status changes.
TunablesPing when sales and other tunable modifiers change.
Weekly Collectible RequestsPing when the Weekly Collectible Request changes.


Role settings are used in specific features of RDO Compendium, and allow you to select a User Role to use in those features.

Delivery Mention RoleThe role to mention when a new Trader delivery is started.
Posse Mention RoleThe role to mention when a new lobby is started.